RealMag is a modern, user-friendly and professional blogger template. It is clean and modern design for blogger users. It comes with several handy features that are both good to run a successful magazine blog, news blog or etc. It has several popular built-in widgets that means you don't have to install any external widget by yourself.

Features of RealMag Blogger Template:

  • 100% Pure Responsive: Previously we released xmax - one page responsive blogger template, just like that this theme is also fluid layout responsive template. You can resize your screen or use a mobile device, it would adjust according to it.
  • Automatic Update Featured Post Most people ask for a way to display some feature post on their blog that updates automatically. We have included a feature post widget that works with labels and shows up post in the featured area automatically. Which means you don’t have to edit the codes again and again?
  • Static Homepage This template gives you the flexibility of having a static homepage. You can add widgets to your homepage but those widgets will not appear on posts or pages.
  • Dynamic Fluid Layout The template comes up with dynamic fluid layout that is unlikely to see in most of the free blogger templates.
  • More Features: Ads Friendly, SEO Optimized, 4 column footer, multi drop-dowm menu, custom Email Subscription widget, greenish color scheme and much more

Template Customization Instructions:

How to Customize Feature Top Label:

To modify Feature top Label, go to >> Layout >> WHAT'S TRENDING? >> Edit, and paste the following code in the HTML Text box. Note: Replace "Featured" with your Label. Remember: The spelling should be accurate otherwise it would not work, even take care of upper and lower class letters.

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