Atelier - Creative Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme Fully Responsive – tested across desktop browsers, iOS, and Android. Optional.Retina Ready – crystal clear icons & images, no need for any plugins. Built on Twitter Bootstrap 3.1.1, with clean & semantic code. Demo Content Importer Plugin – Replicate the demo site or any of the 5 example sites with incredible ease, no manual uploading or configuring! Lightning quick site speed – A (90+) Ratings on both Page Speed and YSlow. SEO Optimised – compliant, and compatibility with your favourite SEO plugins. Built with the best practices & streamlined code, ready for you to achieve top search rankings. Social meta tags are included as default if you’d prefer not to include a plugin. Twitter Cards, Pinterest, Google+, Facebook Share, all fully formatted with review/price/media.

Atelier - Creative Multi-Purpose eCommerce Theme Fully Responsive – tested across desktop browsers, iOS, and Android. Optional.Retina Ready – crystal clear icons & images, no need for any plugins. Built on Twitter Bootstrap 3.1.1, with clean & semantic code. Demo Content Importer Plugin – Replicate the demo site or any of the 5 example sites with incredible ease, no manual uploading or configuring! Lightning quick site speed – A (90+) Ratings on both Page Speed and YSlow. 

SEO Optimised – compliant, and compatibility with your favourite SEO plugins. Built with the best practices & streamlined code, ready for you to achieve top search rankings. Social meta tags are included as default if you’d prefer not to include a plugin. Twitter Cards, Pinterest, Google+, Facebook Share, all fully formatted with review/price/media.

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