Volga is an Prestashop theme, it’s easy to install and customize. It has 4 homepages with various colors, useful modules and excellent design. In order to accommodate multiple genres, Volga uses two types of menu: vertical and horizontal menu. With vertical menu, you can show many categories without feeling cluttered with thumbnails. And with horizontal menu, you can show many external and internal links. Header is designed to be airy and compact with logo, form search category, wishlist icon, topcart along with contact phone, welcome text. The countdown module features a discounted counter with a countdown to end date.
Volga is an Prestashop theme, it’s easy to install and customize. It has 4 homepages with various colors, useful modules and excellent design. In order to accommodate multiple genres, Volga uses two types of menu: vertical and horizontal menu. With vertical menu, you can show many categories without feeling cluttered with thumbnails. And with horizontal menu, you can show many external and internal links. Header is designed to be airy and compact with logo, form search category, wishlist icon, topcart along with contact phone, welcome text. The countdown module features a discounted counter with a countdown to end date.
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