Table Rate Shipping by Class, Weight, Price, Quantity & Volume for WooCommerce Plugin is used to easily setup shipping charges based on shipping class, total weight, total price, total quantity and total volume of products in cart.When plugin checks for a rule all the 5 limits class, weight, price, quantity & volume should match for cost in that rule to be used as shipping cost. In class field you can select one or more shipping classes. Weight, price, quantity & volume can be fixed value, range or empty. For range you can insert value like 10-15 means it can be any value between or equal to 10 and 15. Empty fields are shown as “- Any -” it means that field will be skipped by plugin for matching. When you click the table cell, you are allowed to edit that cell.

Table Rate Shipping by Class, Weight, Price, Quantity & Volume for WooCommerce Plugin is used to easily setup shipping charges based on shipping class, total weight, total price, total quantity and total volume of products in cart.When plugin checks for a rule all the 5 limits class, weight, price, quantity & volume should match for cost in that rule to be used as shipping cost.

In class field you can select one or more shipping classes. Weight, price, quantity & volume can be fixed value, range or empty. For range you can insert value like 10-15 means it can be any value between or equal to 10 and 15. Empty fields are shown as “- Any -” it means that field will be skipped by plugin for matching. When you click the table cell, you are allowed to edit that cell.

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