Easily sell any customized services & products creating your own flat and responsive cost calculator or payment forms (even with subscription !) on your wordpress website . This unique plugin can be used to sell any type of service or products: applications, websites, graphics, seo, pets, lunar fragments or anything else. Your customers can get an accurate estimate of their request (the final estimate/order is sent by email) or directly do payment using Paypal or Stripe. The customer’s email can be automatically sent to your MailChimp / MailPoet / GetResponse list .

Easily sell any customized services & products creating your own flat and responsive cost calculator or payment forms (even with subscription !) on your wordpress website. This unique plugin can be used to sell any type of service or products: applications, websites, graphics, seo, pets, lunar fragments or anything else. Your customers can get an accurate estimate of their request (the final estimate/order is sent by email) or directly do payment using Paypal or Stripe. The customer’s email can be automatically sent to your MailChimp / MailPoet / GetResponse list .

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