Franco – an elegant eCommerce PSD Template extracts whatever is called sophistication of a graphic artwork which will absolutely drive your webshop to a top-notch quality. The homepage itself comes up with 5 different layouts for various options. Moreover, the shop is consolidated by a broad range of essential pages including Product listings, Product details, Checkout,... with versatile assistance of Quick view, Mega menu, Dropdown shopping cart, Filter, Shop By… alternatives. Franco becomes more friendly and trendy due to its hi-class tone of theme color and ready-made internal pages for a comprehensive website namely About, Portfolio (3+ styles), Blog (3+ layouts), Contact and much more.

Franco – an elegant eCommerce PSD Template extracts whatever is called sophistication of a graphic artwork which will absolutely drive your webshop to a top-notch quality. The homepage itself comes up with 5 different layouts for various options. Moreover, the shop is consolidated by a broad range of essential pages including Product listings, Product details, Checkout,... with versatile assistance of Quick view, Mega menu, Dropdown shopping cart, Filter, Shop By… alternatives. Franco becomes more friendly and trendy due to its hi-class tone of theme color and ready-made internal pages for a comprehensive website namely About, Portfolio (3+ styles), Blog (3+ layouts), Contact and much more.

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